The UV Protection Effect Is The Factors Of The Sunglasses Lenses Have The UV Resistant

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The factors that affect the UV protection effect of sunglass near me are whether the lens is UV resistant, the size of the lens, and the degree of fit. There are two main aspects of UV damage to the eyes: the eyes themselves and the surrounding skin.

The factors that affect the UV protection effect of sunglass near me are whether the lens is UV resistant, the size of the lens, and the degree of fit. There are two main aspects of UV damage to the eyes: the eyes themselves and the surrounding skin.


When purchasing, first ask if the sunglasses have UV resistance; Secondly, after receiving the item, it is necessary to first check whether the label indicates compliance with relevant standards.


The larger the lens area and the higher the fit with the cheeks, the better the UV protection effect. When making a purchase, try it on at the store, and then confirm receipt with the eyeglass online. After all, the height of each face's cheekbones, the amount of flesh on the face, the height of the bridge of the nose, and other very detailed issues are very different.


Wrapped sunglasses have the best UV protection, while retro small circle glasses mens with decorative properties that are more practical, especially those that are flat to almost no curvature, naturally have lower protection.


In fact, even sunglasses of the same shape may have different fit levels. The sunglasses we purchased this time, although they are also similar to pilot sunglasses, the degree of curvature and specific shape of the mirrors made by different merchants may also vary, which directly leads to differences in the fit with the face.


For girls who wear makeup, a tight fit can actually rub against the makeup on their faces. When choosing sunglasses, such a girl can choose one that is slightly away from her face. The specific level of choice can only be determined by oneself.
