Preparing for Your Move 90 Days Ahead of Time

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When you are thinking about making a big move out of your apartment, you need to take the time to look at decluttering and preparing the apartment as early as possible. While some moves will be more last minute, if you have some time to prepare, it can make your life a little bit easier and gives you more time to get it done, rather than trying to do it all at the last minute. If you have about 90 days before you plan to move, some of the things you will need to cross off the checklist includes:


# Decide when you plan to move: You need to pick the actual day that you plan to move. Having that date in mind gives you a deadline to follow and makes it easier for you to know exactly how much time you have before the big move.

# Let your landlord know: The terms of your lease will help you determine how much notice you will need to give the landlord. Some states are fine with you giving just a 30 day notice, but some leases will require you to give more than that. You can look at the terms of your lease to see exactly the amount of notice you need to give.

# Start cleaning the unit: You should take some time now to go through all of the rooms in your apartment. Decide what you would like to keep, what you need to throw out, and what can be sold or donated at this time.

# Loo into moving companies: You can choose to do a lot of the moves on your own, but this can take time and is not always feasible when you have a long move or have to do the work on your own. Research some of the different moving companies now to help you be prepared.

# Gather the important documents: Gather and then organize all of the documents you will likely need during the move such as social security cards, passports, and medical records.


Come and take a look at some of our two bedroom apartments in Gainesville, FL to see if they are just right for you. We are proud to offer spacious apartments that are going to provide the amenities and great location that you need when you move to Florida. We have several options available to help you out, ensuring that you will be able to get into the unit of your dreams. Come and complete a tour, ask all of the questions you may have, and fill out an application for one of our units today!

