3 Essential Skills Every SEO Professional Should Know to Succeed

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Have you ever stopped and thought about what it takes to build a reputable career in search engine optimization (SEO)? In order to be successful in this specific field, you will need to possess a number of skills. San Antonio SEO professionals know exactly what I’m referring to.


Even though technically, SEO has been a part of website design for over a couple of decades now. However, SEO today still isn’t being taught to students who attend college nor is it mentioned when marketing curriculums are brought up, SEO is never included in that discussion.


Many SEO professionals come from a wide range of different backgrounds. Many of them are entrepreneurs, programmers, traditional marketers, and even some are journalists. Technically, there is no true miracle list of specific SEO skills that everyone needs.


However, it just so happens that there are a small few factors that every potential SEO professional should know — which all depend solely on your overall experience level and your position.


If you want to learn more about the 3 skills all SEO professionals should know about, keep reading below.



#1. Critical Thinking


This first skill is somewhat difficult to measure, however, it is vital that SEO professionals possess an analytical mind that has the capabilities of differentiating correlation and causation. You need to be able to be aware of the “3 What’s.” Which include the following:


WHAT #1: “What Happened”


What #2: “What Happened” Happened


What #3: “what We Should Do About It.’’


It just so happens that ther are many different ways to measjure this. However, typically when under a study, the potential SEO professionals are given hypothetical interview questions that help the instructor to be better attuned with their many different thought processes.


Those many questions that they are asked, essentially neither have right or wrong answers. However, they help the instructor to get a clear picture of the candidate’s thought and how they react to attacking those problems.


This process is done to help each potential pros to be able to understand problems from many other different angles and to help them to use data and basic logic while implementing their decision-making skills.


#2. Speaking and As Well As Their Writing Ability

Most SEO professionals are able to handle their very own keyword research and can essentially author certain content that actually also includes it has to be considered to be of good value. However, that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s referring to writing articles such as the one reading right now, or even being able to speak at a conference.


The ideal SEO professional can easily convince internal teams and their clients to chose to do the right thing and that typically results from writing decks, case studies, speaking at meetings, PVSs, and etc. All of these components include speaking and writing skills.


Not only does SEO require confidence, but it also requires the overall ability to distill composites that non-SEO users are able to comprehend and make specific decisions with.



#3 Technical And Programming Skillsets


Don’t be surprised if there is some kind of argument over this part of the skills. Don’t think for a single second that there aren’t fantastic SEO professionals out there doing their jobs and kicking ass while they do it without ever having a single speck of programming knowledge under their belt whatsoever.


However, If honesty is the best way to go, then it is true that those SEO professionals without progrgamming knowledge could be creating even greater things with the skills that come with that level of understandment of programming. Typically, Most SEO professionals stick to certain recommendations concerning page speed, lazy loading, server side redirects, rednering, basic HTMLtags, and microdata tagging.


Any one of these specific conversations can be spoken through a lot easier if you are lucky enough to speak with the develper and then present them with insights rather than barking demands at them.


Most of the time, if you are able to put yourself in the developers position and understansd where they are coming from when they end up pushing back can be essential to reconcile differences.


Another important key would have to be the estimated https://www.searchenginejournal.com/seo/seo-experts/ level of effort compared to the impact of the SEO. Now, that doesn’t necessarily mean that SEO professionals should have to learn how to begin writing code.

