How To Clean Your Washer and Dryer

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Cleaning your home can be something that you might need to break down into sections in order to succeed. You might need to go floor by floor, room by room, or at the very least area by area in your home to make sure that you can clean the areas of your home. But making sure to clean all of your appliances and the areas of your home can be extremely helpful for your health and your well being.


Most of the appliances that you might have, such as your oven or your microwave, might be very easy to clean. However, whenever it comes to cleaning your washer and your dryer, you might wonder how best to clean them. Because the washer and the dryer are supposed to clean everything else, so how do you clean them by themselves?


Here’s what you need to do to make sure that your washer and dryers are as clean as the rest of your house!


How To Clean Your Washer


Cleaning your washer seems self explanatory, but it is a much deeper process than just running the washer without anything inside of it. You need to add both hot water and vinegar in a load in order to clean the washing machine, often with two cups of white vinegar, and once you finish the load from the washer you can give the machine’s exterior a nice wipe down.


You can do this every couple of months to make sure that your washer is 100% clean and able to effectively clean your clothes without adding to all the dirt and debris that is going into the washer every time you run it.


How To Clean Your Dryer


Whenever need to make sure that your dryer is perfectly cleaned, you can do the same thing that you do with your washer. You need to mix warm water and dish soap with a soft cloth or towel, and then wipe down the entire inside of the dryer with the towel or a wet sponge. Then once the entire dryer is wiped down, you just need to run a load of clean clothes or towels in order to try the drum out.


Then make sure to do some dryer vent cleaning, and make sure that you get all of the dryer lint out. If you notice that your dryer is filled with lint, it can make your dryer run harder and can also increase the risk of your dryer both overheating and it can potentially start a fire in your dryer as well.


So make sure that even if you are cleaning your dryer drum every few months, you need to be cleaning your dryer vents every time you use the dryer.
